2016 Job Workshop
At this year's annual meeting all AIARD members will have an opportunity to participate in AIARD's first job workshop. On Sunday, June 5, from 5:00-6:30 PM, job seekers will be able to hear from a select group of potential employers and recruitment specialists from a range of organizations, get tips on resume writing and job search strategies. If you have questions about the workshop, please contact Deanna Behring at [email protected].
Recruiters in Attendance
The follow people will be in attendance and discuss the following topics:
Kate Warren | Devex, Senior Director & Editor of Careers and Recruiting
Topic: Want to know what it takes to break into International Development?
Kate will present on the current employment landscape, the types of employers and positions available, the most in demand skills employers are looking for, and industry trends that are impacting career opportunities.
Natalia Douma | DAI, Senior Recruiter
Topic: Getting a job with a for-profit company
Natalia will present on an overview of for-profit firms, the profile and range of skills needed (such as both technical and soft skills, like writing, communication, foreign language, international experience, team work/spirit, etc.), mobility within companies (such as tracks and rotation programs), and how potential recruits are evaluated (via CV, interview, networking, etc.).
Hunter Morash | ACDI/VOCA, International Recruitment Lead
Topic: Getting a job with an NGO
Hunter will present on an overview of non-profit firms, the profile and range of skills needed, and how potential recruits are evaluated.
Jessica M. Bagdonis, Ph.D. | USAID Bureau for Food Security Project Design Fellow
Topic: Moving from individual researcher to team player
Jessica, an AIARD Future Leader in 2009, will discuss her career path to USAID and share insight into translating your graduate research experience into "real-world work experience" on your resume.
Jocelyn Brown | USDA, Deputy Administrator of the Office of Capacity Building and Development
Topic: Working for the Foreign Agricultural Service
Jocelyn will talk to you about how to work for USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service through an internship, civil service position, or as a foreign service officer.