Membership Application
In order to make meaningful contributions toward addressing its mission, AIARD's membership is unique in its breadth.
It includes development professionals from the most relevant disciplines from a vast community of universities, private voluntary organizations, commercial firms, consulting companies, trade associations, governmental and donor agencies, and foundations in the United States and overseas. The membership has had extensive development experience in all regions of the world and regularly interacts to discuss issues and approaches. Such breadth of membership in a variety of disciplines, organizations, and geographic regions makes it an excellent focal point for providing information dealing with current and emerging issues concerning global poverty, food security, and related environmental matters, particularly as they relate to international agriculture and rural development. Membership Enrollment Please enroll me as a member of AIARD. I enclose $_______ for_________________________type of membership. NAME: _____________________________________ TITLE: _____________________________________ ORGANIZATION: _____________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________ CITY: _____________________________________ STATE/ZIP/COUNTRY: _________________________ PHONE: ______________ FAX: _________________ E-MAIL: ___________________________________ New or Renewal: _____________________________ Comments _________________________________ ___________________________________________ Send membership form and payment to: Amanda Crump Secretary, AIARD 138 Oak Avenue Woodland, CA 95695 Email [email protected] Sorry, we are not equipped to accept credit cards. Make checks payable to AIARD. |
Membership Options
I. Regular Membership - $50.00 per year
II. Student Membership - $20.00 per year III. Sustaining Private Sector Membership with the following options: