Annual Meeting 2005 The 41st Annual Meeting of The Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development June 5-7, 2005
Speakers and Panelists
Dr. Anderson is an active retiree at the World Bank (Agricultural Policies Division Agriculture and Rural Development Department) and IFPRI (Coordinator for Impact Assessment). Anderson's interests are concentrated on institutional and strategic aspects of environmentally sustainable rural development, with particular concern for the rural non-farm economy and the rural investment climate; the economics of agricultural technology generation and transfer, with particular concern for natural resource management, and efficacy in investment in agricultural researchØlocal, national and international, as well as lingering attention to risk management in agriculture.
During his career Dr. Anderson as held a variety of academic positions including Professor and Emeritus Professor of Agricultural Economics, University of New England; Head, Department of Agricultural Economics & Business Management, University of New England; Dean, Faculty of Economic Studies, University of New England and as well as Director, Impact Study of the CGIAR, CGIAR Secretariat, World Bank.
Anderson's publications have addressed a range of issues including the analysis of fertilizer response data, the design and interpretation of agricultural experiments, the impact of climatic variability, systems modeling and simulation, the economics of risk and uncertainty, and pioneering applications of stochastic efficiency analysis. He and colleagues have written a variety of influential publications, including the 1977 book Agricultural Decision Analysis (ISUP with John Dillon and Brian Hardaker), the follow-up 1997 book Coping with Risk in Agriculture (CABI with Brian Hardaker and Ruud Huirne) (2nd Edn 2004).
Dr. Anderson has served as the Associate Editor, American Journal of Agricultural Economics and as President, Australian Agricultural Economics Society. He is an Honorary Life Member of the International Association of Agricultural Economists.