AIARD's 56th Annual Conference
May 31-June 2, 2020 in Washington, DC
Hamilton Hotel
Call for Abstracts
We are no longer accepting abstracts but would love to hear from you if you have ideas about the conference theme!
AIARD’s 2020 annual meeting will explore the many dimensions of global food safety – from production to consumption – and how improvements in food safety practices and technologies can help in building nutritious food systems for all.
Why Should You Present?
Your bio and information about your organizational affiliate will be printed as part of the conference agenda.
You will have a prominent opportunity to interact with other professionals, build networks, and expand the reach of your organization.
This is an excellent opportunity to share your knowledge, lessons learned and accomplishments with others in the field.
You will gain recognition among the growing community of AIARD peers.
We will look at the key roles of various stakeholder groups such as government, business, research institutions, universities, and consumer groups, and ways they can effectively collaborate to accelerate the adoption of food safety practices that lead to reductions in foodborne illness, malnutrition, and hunger.
Below are suggested topics to select from, but we also encourage you too to identify another topic related to food safety. Our goal is to create an opportunity for you to participate and help shape the conference so your ideas are welcome!
Guidelines for Submission
AIARD invites you to submit abstracts to either make an oral presentation, or present a poster relating to the theme of the conference. We encourage you to review the key questions posted above as guidelines for your abstracts, but we also welcome other topics related to the broader discussion of global food safety and food systems development.
Oral Presentations
Abstracts in this category may be selected for either making an oral presentation to a group of participants, serving on a panel of experts, or leading a group discussion on this topic. Oral presentations should plan to be no more than 15 minutes in duration.
Poster Session
At the conference, we will be displaying posters in several venues of the facility that will be adjacent to the main conference room and thus readily accessible to all participants. We plan to post at minimum 20 posters and may make room for more depending on the number and quality of submissions.
Who May Submit an Abstract
Abstracts are welcome from anyone who is interested in bringing their experience, ideas, research findings, or recommendations relevant to the 2020 conference. Our aim is to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds: practitioners, researchers, government representatives, policymakers, or any other stakeholders working in global development.
Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:
You do not have to be a registered AIARD member to qualify to submit. If your abstract is selected and you present at the conference, you will automatically be enrolled for a one-year membership in AIARD.
Outline for Abstracts
Why Should You Present?
Your bio and information about your organizational affiliate will be printed as part of the conference agenda.
You will have a prominent opportunity to interact with other professionals, build networks, and expand the reach of your organization.
This is an excellent opportunity to share your knowledge, lessons learned and accomplishments with others in the field.
You will gain recognition among the growing community of AIARD peers.
We will look at the key roles of various stakeholder groups such as government, business, research institutions, universities, and consumer groups, and ways they can effectively collaborate to accelerate the adoption of food safety practices that lead to reductions in foodborne illness, malnutrition, and hunger.
Below are suggested topics to select from, but we also encourage you too to identify another topic related to food safety. Our goal is to create an opportunity for you to participate and help shape the conference so your ideas are welcome!
- What are foodborne pathogens and where do they come from?
- What is “unsafe” food and what causes it?
- What are proven technologies and practices to reduce contamination and loss? What are emerging frontiers in science that hold promise?
- What are constraints to retaining food quality and safety?
- How can we ensure production of and access for all to safe food that is nutritious?
- Where are the major gaps in food systems that enable contamination and spoilage?
- What is the role of the private sector and the public sector in food safety?
- How do we unleash the potential of key institutions to become drivers or promoters of food safety improvement?
Guidelines for Submission
AIARD invites you to submit abstracts to either make an oral presentation, or present a poster relating to the theme of the conference. We encourage you to review the key questions posted above as guidelines for your abstracts, but we also welcome other topics related to the broader discussion of global food safety and food systems development.
Oral Presentations
Abstracts in this category may be selected for either making an oral presentation to a group of participants, serving on a panel of experts, or leading a group discussion on this topic. Oral presentations should plan to be no more than 15 minutes in duration.
Poster Session
At the conference, we will be displaying posters in several venues of the facility that will be adjacent to the main conference room and thus readily accessible to all participants. We plan to post at minimum 20 posters and may make room for more depending on the number and quality of submissions.
Who May Submit an Abstract
Abstracts are welcome from anyone who is interested in bringing their experience, ideas, research findings, or recommendations relevant to the 2020 conference. Our aim is to bring together experts from diverse backgrounds: practitioners, researchers, government representatives, policymakers, or any other stakeholders working in global development.
Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:
- Clarity of Message
- Innovative Approach
- Scalability
You do not have to be a registered AIARD member to qualify to submit. If your abstract is selected and you present at the conference, you will automatically be enrolled for a one-year membership in AIARD.
Outline for Abstracts
- Title
- Abstract (400 words or less) detailing the proposed presentation or poster
- Presenter’s Bio (150 words or less)
- Additional authors and their organizational affiliations
- Contact information of presenter (Email address and phone number)
- Preference of oral or poster presentation
- No commercial content intended to serve as advertising is allowed