Annual Meeting 2003 The 39th Annual Meeting of The Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development
"On Renewing Commitment to International Agriculture and Rural Development" Speakers and Panelists
David O. Hansen The Ohio State University
Dr. Hansen is Associate Dean and Director for International Programs in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at Ohio State University. He has worked on issues of rural and institutional development for over 30 years. This work has involved over ten years of residence in Latin America, including Peace Corps Volunteer experience in Bolivia, research assignments in Costa Rica, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, long-term university contract assignments in Brazil, short-term consulting assignments in Mexico, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Bolivia, El Salvador, Peru, Brazil, Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica, Chile, Argentina and Nicaragua; program development, administration and development experience in Eastern and Southern Africa and in South Asia; and a three year Joint Career Corps assignment with A.I.D./Washington's Bureau for Science and Technology. His tenure with the Ohio State University includes extensive academic experience, including teaching of development-related courses, advising foreign graduate student thesis and dissertation research, and Latin American field research. In addition, he has had considerable experience with administration of AID. and other donor-sponsored university contracts, and with administration of the Ohio State rural sociology graduate program. He has been active in his primary professional society, having served as Associate Editor of Rural Sociology journal, Chair of the RSS Endowment and Membership Committees, and Council Member. He currently serves as the RSS liaison to AAAS/CAIP, and as Secretary/Treasurer for the International Rural Sociology Association. He has also occupied numerous other posts on national and international committees, including those of NASULGC's Board on Agriculture. He has completed numerous consulting assignments for USAID, USDA and the World Bank and has extensive experience with organizations impacting on third world development policies and programs.