Annual Meeting 2006 The 42nd Annual Meeting of The Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development
June 4-6, 2006
Speakers and Panelists
Michael Lund is one of the leading specialists in defining and researching the field of conflict prevention. Dr. Lund has authored many books, case studies, and manuals on conflict prevention. At the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP), he established a project focused on tracking the institutionalization of early warning and prevention procedures and peacebuilding programs that was beginning in multilateral organizations such as the UN, OSCE, OAU, OAS, and ASEAN. Dr. Lund's work and publications include in-depth and structured comparative case studies aimed at evaluating the reasons for recent conflict prevention "successes" or "failures."
Applying his previous experience in program and policy evaluation as a professor at the University of Maryland and as a policy researcher at the Urban Institute (UI) in Washington, Lund has been testing methods for doing rigorous evaluation of conflict prevention interventions, with reference both to their impacts on conflict or peacebuilding sources and dynamics, and their implementability. Dr. Lund holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Chicago, where he concentrated on African Politics, Comparative Political Development, Public Administration, and Public Policy Analysis.