AIARD Mission and Objectives
AIARD Mission and Objectives
AIARD's Mission
The Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD) is an association of professionals and practitioners in international development with experience and intellectual and institutional capabilities to articulate and address broad-based as well as more focused development issues in agriculture and rural development.
AIARD's mission is to improve the quality of life for all people by improving and developing global capacities to respond to new challenges and opportunities in helping to eliminate poverty, improve food security, and conserve and protect the environment, in order to stimulate broad-based economic growth and sustainable development.
In carrying out its mission, AIARD serves to:
AIARD's mission is to improve the quality of life for all people by improving and developing global capacities to respond to new challenges and opportunities in helping to eliminate poverty, improve food security, and conserve and protect the environment, in order to stimulate broad-based economic growth and sustainable development.
In carrying out its mission, AIARD serves to:
- Promote and foster greater interaction and cooperation among all organizations engaged in international development.
- Improve education in, and foster greater understanding of, international development.
- Expand members' abilities to implement development programs.
- Shape international development strategies.
AIARD's leadership and members employ a four-fold approach to accomplish its mission. The Association considers its charge to:
- Inform members and U.S. and international collaborators and development institutions about appropriate strategies and institutional approaches to improve agriculture and increase rural development within a rapidly changing global environment.
- Stimulate improved understanding and support for international development and the essential role which agriculture and rural development have in fostering greater global well-being.
- Explore and advance the synergistic relationships between agriculture and rural development and economic development; management of the environment, agricultural development and poverty; and poverty, nutrition and hunger as key themes for promoting a more sustainable global society.
- Promote greater interaction and cooperation among all organizations engaged in international development, emphasizing the primacy of agriculture and rural development.
AIARD's Objectives
Consistent with its mission and responsive to heightened global challenges and opportunities, AIARD seeks to mobilize the collective capacities of members and like professionals for three purposes related to the resources committed to international agriculture and rural development:
- Increase the institutional commitments and capacities of donor agencies and national level programs;
- Expand resources available for such activities; and
- Improve program effectiveness.