42nd Annual Meeting
June 4-6, 2006
"Cultivating Peace: Agriculture in a World of Conflict and Violence"
Sunday, June 4
6:30 p.m.Sunday Evening Reception
Monday, June 5
7:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast in the Meeting Room
8:15 a.m.Welcome - G. M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, 2005-2006
Introduction of AIARD Future Leaders Forum Participants
Jointly Sponsored by AIARD, USDA/CSREES and W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Session I: A Prospective New Agenda for Long-Term, Conflict-Sensitive Development - Moving from Anecdotes to an Analytical/Predictive Framework
- Robert J. "Bob" Haggerty, AIARD President Elect, 2005-2006 Presiding
8:30 a.m.Round Table Discussion
Marc Cohen, Research Fellow, Food Consumption and Nutrition Division, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Moderator
Michael Lund, Specialist in Conflict Prevention, Management Systems International
Ellen Messer, Visiting Associate Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University
C. Peter Timmer, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Nives Mattich, Senior Manager, International Resources Group, Ltd.
10:30 a.m.Coffee Break
10:50 a.m."Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT)s and Ag Sector Restoration: An Interagency Example"
James W. Ruf, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Response Development Officer, Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, U.S. Department of State
Christopher Seeley, Principal Development Specialist, Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI)
11:20 a.m."Improving Integration Through Planning"
John A. Toolan, Jr., Brigadier General (Select), U.S. Marine Corps, Director of the U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College
11:50 a.m.Adjourn for Lunch - G.M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, Presiding
12:30 p.m.Luncheon Speaker: Honorable James R. Moseley, Former Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture
Session II: Agriculture and Rural Development During Active Conflict
- Robert J. "Bob" Haggerty, AIARD President-Elect, 2005-2006, Presiding
1:30 p.m."Cropping Successes in Iraq"
Edwin C. Price, Associate Vice Chancellor for International Agriculture and Federal Relations, The Texas A&M University System
2:00 p.m."Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Experiences in Afghanistan"
Christopher D. Pannkuk, Director of International Research and Development, Washington State University
2:30 p.m."Working in Afghanistan Today"
Guy Fipps, Director of the Irrigation Technology Center, Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University; Senior Advisor for Water, U.S. Department of State, Kabul, Afghanistan
3:00 p.m.Coffee Break
3:30 p.m."Environment and Conflict: A Profile of the Manifold Links to Agriculture Cases"
James R. Lee, Director, Mandala Projects, School of International Service, American University
4:00 p.m.Panel Discussion
Edwin Price, Associate Vice Chancellor for International Agriculture and Federal Relations, The Texas A&M University System - Moderator
David Bathrick, Independent Consultant- Rural Growth Strategist
Gregory D. Foster, Professor of Political Science, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University
Thomas J. Leney, Vice President of Programs, Winrock International
Jerry H. Jones, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense
5:00 p.m.Adjourn
5:45 p.m.President's Reception
6:30 p.m.Dinner - Robert J. "Bob" Haggerty, AIARD President-Elect, 2005-2006, Presiding
7:30 p.m.AIARD Awards Presentations: Recognizing Excellence and Career Achievements
Albert Ayeni, Awards Committee Chair
8:00 p.m.Adjourn
Tuesday, June 6
7:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast in the Meeting Room
Session III: Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Rural Recovery
- Robert J. "Bob" Haggerty, AIARD President-Elect, 2005-2006, Presiding
8:30 a.m."Restoring Agriculture after Conflict: Kosovo and Afghanistan"
Thomas W. Crawford, Jr., Director - Research and Market Development Division, IFDC, An International Center for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development
9:00 a.m."Resolving Forest Conflict During Reconstruction and for Rural Recovery"
Mary Melnyk, Senior Natural Resource Management Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Asia and the Near East, Office of Technical Support (USAID/ANE/TS)
Video - "Resolving Cambodia's Forest Conflict"
Hannah T. Fairbank, Biodiversity and Natural Resource Specialist, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Natural Resources Management, Biodiversity Team (USAID/EGAT/NRM/B)
9:30 a.m.Panel Discussion
Phillip Steffen, Agricultural Reconstruction Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Agriculture, Agriculture and Rural Policy/Governance Team (USAID/EGAT/AG/ARPG), Moderator
Judith Dunbar, Program Specialist, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation (USAID/DCHA/CMM)
Nata Duvvury, Director of Gender, Violence and Rights Team, Health and Development Group, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Peter Holland, Youth and Conflict Specialist, Children and Youth Unit, Post-Conflict Fund, The World Bank
Anicca Jansen, Senior Microfinance Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Poverty Reduction, MicroEnterprise Development Team (USAID/EGAT/PR/MD)
Otto Gonzalez, Afghanistan Technical Assistance Team Leader, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, International Cooperation and Development Program Area, (USDA/FAS/ICD)
10:30 a.m.Coffee Break
10:50 a.m.Future Leaders Forum Panel Discussion - G.M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, 2005-2006, Facilitating
"Status of International Agricultural Programs at Universities"
11:30 a.m.42nd Annual Meeting Program Wrap Up With Observations and Comments - John R. Vreyens, AIARD Vice-President, 2005-2006
11:45 a.m.Adjourn
Student Scholars Continue Future Leaders Forum Program
Facilitators: Emmy Simmons, Executive Committee Member, Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa, and G.M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, 2005-2006
12:15 a.m.Lunch and AIARD Annual Business Meeting - G.M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, 2005-2006, Presiding
1:45 p.m.Adjourn
6:30 p.m.Sunday Evening Reception
Monday, June 5
7:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast in the Meeting Room
8:15 a.m.Welcome - G. M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, 2005-2006
Introduction of AIARD Future Leaders Forum Participants
Jointly Sponsored by AIARD, USDA/CSREES and W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Session I: A Prospective New Agenda for Long-Term, Conflict-Sensitive Development - Moving from Anecdotes to an Analytical/Predictive Framework
- Robert J. "Bob" Haggerty, AIARD President Elect, 2005-2006 Presiding
8:30 a.m.Round Table Discussion
Marc Cohen, Research Fellow, Food Consumption and Nutrition Division, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Moderator
Michael Lund, Specialist in Conflict Prevention, Management Systems International
Ellen Messer, Visiting Associate Professor, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University
C. Peter Timmer, Senior Fellow, Center for Global Development
Nives Mattich, Senior Manager, International Resources Group, Ltd.
10:30 a.m.Coffee Break
10:50 a.m."Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRT)s and Ag Sector Restoration: An Interagency Example"
James W. Ruf, Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army Response Development Officer, Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization, U.S. Department of State
Christopher Seeley, Principal Development Specialist, Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI)
11:20 a.m."Improving Integration Through Planning"
John A. Toolan, Jr., Brigadier General (Select), U.S. Marine Corps, Director of the U.S. Marine Corps Command and Staff College
11:50 a.m.Adjourn for Lunch - G.M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, Presiding
12:30 p.m.Luncheon Speaker: Honorable James R. Moseley, Former Deputy Secretary of Agriculture, US Department of Agriculture
Session II: Agriculture and Rural Development During Active Conflict
- Robert J. "Bob" Haggerty, AIARD President-Elect, 2005-2006, Presiding
1:30 p.m."Cropping Successes in Iraq"
Edwin C. Price, Associate Vice Chancellor for International Agriculture and Federal Relations, The Texas A&M University System
2:00 p.m."Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Experiences in Afghanistan"
Christopher D. Pannkuk, Director of International Research and Development, Washington State University
2:30 p.m."Working in Afghanistan Today"
Guy Fipps, Director of the Irrigation Technology Center, Professor and Extension Agricultural Engineer, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, Texas A&M University; Senior Advisor for Water, U.S. Department of State, Kabul, Afghanistan
3:00 p.m.Coffee Break
3:30 p.m."Environment and Conflict: A Profile of the Manifold Links to Agriculture Cases"
James R. Lee, Director, Mandala Projects, School of International Service, American University
4:00 p.m.Panel Discussion
Edwin Price, Associate Vice Chancellor for International Agriculture and Federal Relations, The Texas A&M University System - Moderator
David Bathrick, Independent Consultant- Rural Growth Strategist
Gregory D. Foster, Professor of Political Science, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University
Thomas J. Leney, Vice President of Programs, Winrock International
Jerry H. Jones, Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Office of the Secretary of Defense
5:00 p.m.Adjourn
5:45 p.m.President's Reception
6:30 p.m.Dinner - Robert J. "Bob" Haggerty, AIARD President-Elect, 2005-2006, Presiding
7:30 p.m.AIARD Awards Presentations: Recognizing Excellence and Career Achievements
Albert Ayeni, Awards Committee Chair
8:00 p.m.Adjourn
Tuesday, June 6
7:30 a.m.Continental Breakfast in the Meeting Room
Session III: Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Rural Recovery
- Robert J. "Bob" Haggerty, AIARD President-Elect, 2005-2006, Presiding
8:30 a.m."Restoring Agriculture after Conflict: Kosovo and Afghanistan"
Thomas W. Crawford, Jr., Director - Research and Market Development Division, IFDC, An International Center for Soil Fertility and Agricultural Development
9:00 a.m."Resolving Forest Conflict During Reconstruction and for Rural Recovery"
Mary Melnyk, Senior Natural Resource Management Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Asia and the Near East, Office of Technical Support (USAID/ANE/TS)
Video - "Resolving Cambodia's Forest Conflict"
Hannah T. Fairbank, Biodiversity and Natural Resource Specialist, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Natural Resources Management, Biodiversity Team (USAID/EGAT/NRM/B)
9:30 a.m.Panel Discussion
Phillip Steffen, Agricultural Reconstruction Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Agriculture, Agriculture and Rural Policy/Governance Team (USAID/EGAT/AG/ARPG), Moderator
Judith Dunbar, Program Specialist, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation (USAID/DCHA/CMM)
Nata Duvvury, Director of Gender, Violence and Rights Team, Health and Development Group, International Center for Research on Women (ICRW)
Peter Holland, Youth and Conflict Specialist, Children and Youth Unit, Post-Conflict Fund, The World Bank
Anicca Jansen, Senior Microfinance Advisor, U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade, Office of Poverty Reduction, MicroEnterprise Development Team (USAID/EGAT/PR/MD)
Otto Gonzalez, Afghanistan Technical Assistance Team Leader, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, International Cooperation and Development Program Area, (USDA/FAS/ICD)
10:30 a.m.Coffee Break
10:50 a.m.Future Leaders Forum Panel Discussion - G.M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, 2005-2006, Facilitating
"Status of International Agricultural Programs at Universities"
11:30 a.m.42nd Annual Meeting Program Wrap Up With Observations and Comments - John R. Vreyens, AIARD Vice-President, 2005-2006
11:45 a.m.Adjourn
Student Scholars Continue Future Leaders Forum Program
Facilitators: Emmy Simmons, Executive Committee Member, Partnership to Cut Hunger and Poverty in Africa, and G.M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, 2005-2006
12:15 a.m.Lunch and AIARD Annual Business Meeting - G.M. "Mike" McWhorter, AIARD President, 2005-2006, Presiding
1:45 p.m.Adjourn