Annual Meeting 2008 44th Annual Meeting June 1-3, 2008
"Innovative Public-Private Partnerships that Promote International Agricultural and Rural Development" Speakers and Panelists
Kristi Ragan is an expert in public-private partnerships for improving social and economic conditions in developing countries. She leads this work for DAI, Inc, a global consulting firm based in Bethesda, Maryland. She is the Strategic Advisor to USAID on Global Development Alliances where she develops innovative alliance models and trains USAID country teams on how to build partnerships that deliver the highest development impact.
She has been an Adjunct Faculty at Georgetown University from 2003-2007 teaching a graduate course in public-private partnerships. During her 25 years in international development, much of that with the United Nations Development Programme, she has lived and worked on development challenges in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Pacific. Ms. Ragan co-chairs the Work Group on Corporate Responsibility for the Society for International Development in Washington D.C. and explores the drivers for multinational corporations to engage on development partnerships. She served as Peace Corps Country Director in Côte d'Ivoire and also as a Peace Corps Volunteer in both Tanzania and Fiji.