Annual Meeting 2003 The 39th Annual Meeting of The Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development
"On Renewing Commitment to International Agriculture and Rural Development" Speakers and Panelists
Susan G. Schram ACDI/VOCA
Susan G. Schram joined ACDI/VOCA as Vice President for Agriculture and Cooperative programs on November 1. Prior to her current position, Sue served as Executive Director of the Partnership to Cut Hunger in Africa, a U.S./Africa; public/private partnership chaired by Michigan State University President Peter McPherson, Mali President Alpha Oumar Konare, Senator Bob Dole and former Congressman Lee Hamilton. Sue has had extensive experience across the spectrum of agricultural research, education and technology transfer. She began her career working with Michigan State University in County and State Extension Administration. Following an IPA with the National Agricultural Library she moved to Washington on a permanent basis in 1980 to work for the Assistant Secretary of Science and Education at USDA. Sue later served as Assistant Director of Federal Relations for International Affairs at the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges.
From 1992-1999 Sue directed the Food and Agriculture Program for Columbia University's Consortium for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), and served as Deputy Director of CIESIN's Washington Operations. CIESIN makes global environmental change information more available to scientists and policy makers using cutting edge information technology. While earning her Ph.D. in international agriculture and rural development Sue was Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor of the University of Maryland. She served as President of the Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development (AIARD) from 1997 to 1998 and presently manages an international email news network and the AIARD Capitol Hill Forum for its membership and chairs its Membership Committee.