Annual Meeting 2003 The 39th Annual Meeting of The Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development
"On Renewing Commitment to International Agriculture and Rural Development" Speakers and Panelists
John B. Swanson U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
John B. Swanson is Team Leader for the Agricultural Technology Generation and Outreach Team in the Agriculture Office of the Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade (USAID/EGAT/AG/ATGO). He has served as a Foreign Service Officer with USAID in Vietnam, Egypt, Yemen, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Before joining USAID, Dr. Swanson served with the Peace Corps Volunteer in Guatemala. He was raised on dairy farm in Minnesota. He speaks Spanish, Vietnamese, and Arabic. Swanson earned a BS degree from University of Minnesota and Masters and PhD degrees from the University of Missouri, Columbia. He has been a member of the Strategic Partnership for Agriculture Research and Education (SPARE), a subcommittee of the The Board for International Food and Agriculture (BIFAD), since October, 2002.